Monday, December 18, 2006

What If 2??

What if?
What if instead of oil we’d have stayed with steam, gone to electricity through low-pressure turbines, then moved right up to atomic fusion, skipped gasoline completely. Would the world be a better place?

What if?
What if the gasses that formed the earth had never cooled sufficiently to create solid matter, would we still exist?

What if?
What if Moses had kept his temper and not killed that slave master, forcing the Egyptian Prince to flee? Would he still have seen the burning bush?

What if?
What if Jesus hadn’t come to Jerusalem for Passover, would we still have Christianity?

What if?
What if Mohammed had not conquered Mecca in the early 7th century? Would we be still be faced with the threat of an Islamic takeover of the West?

What if?
What if Buddah had not found enlightenment? Would we still have the concept of infinity of the soul?

What if?
What if Vishnu had not seen the comets in the sky, would Hindu still have come into existence?

What if?
What if Einstein had not been ADD and/or Dyslexic, would he still have written his famous formula?

What if?
What is someone had beheaded Hitler in 1923, would there still have been a Holocaust?

What if?
What if Douglas MacArthur had been allowed to invade China in 1952, would we still have a nuclear threat from North Korea?

What if?
What if someone had put five bullets in the head of Sheik Khoumenai while he was a refugee in a Paris suburb, would we still be faced with the threat of a nuclear Iran? A world Islamic revolution?

What if?
What if Jeb Bush had not been Governor of Florida, would America have invaded Iraq?

What if?
What if the oil companies decided enough is enough and pour their fortunes into finding a real alternative to fossil fuels within five years, much as Warren Buffet eschewed $34 Billion of his wealth, turning it over to the good of the world?

What if?
What if nanotechnology could be used to repair heart disease, cap errant DNA that creates mutant cells, build space stations on their own out of organic materials?

What if?
What if the world continues to grow at such a pace that only colonizing other planets is a solution to the continued development of the human race?

What if?
What if man finally reached a point of sophistication where violence was no longer used by anyone, for any reason; rather man’s ability to govern himself, restrain himself, control himself, without conflict, without greed, without avarice, without jealousy, was the universal norm?

What if?
What if there really was a Santa Claus?