Friday, March 27, 2020

Minister for War against the Plague

A Minister for War on Corona?

Israel’s infection number has passed 3,000, with 13 deaths. (Israel’s Pop. @9 million). Not bad considering a country like Switzerland, Pop. 8.5 million, that has over 12,000 infected and 500 dead. Or the Netherlands, Pop. 17 million with 8,600 infected and over 1,100 deaths. Belgium, Pop @11 million with 7,284 infected and 1,049 deaths. Or New York City Pop. 8.6 million with 23,000 cases, 365 deaths.

As the guy falling for the top of the Empire State Building told a secretary who had her head out the window and asked him how he was doing and he answered, as we all know, “So far so good.”

Personally, I like the old-time comedian Heni Youngman’s schtick. “How’re you doing?” someone asked him. “Better,” he answered. “Better?” the questioner asked. “Yeah, better you shouldn’t ask.”

Israel is gearing up to meet the challenge of the virus. Reportedly, the Mossad has secured 100,000 testing kits. Israel is scouring the markets to buy more inhalation machines. If the infection rate continues to climb, say, experts, physicians may have to choose which patient gets the oxygen and which doesn’t, and dies. Not a pleasant choice. One Israel is trying to avoid.

So far, with a world population of 7.8 billion, the world total of those infected has climbed to over half-a-million and the end is not yet near. According to the data, 191 out of 195 countries have been infected.

However, total deaths, 22,000 deaths so far worldwide, are only a fraction of those who perished in the Spanish Influence of 1918 (Jan 1918 – Dec 1920) where half a billion people were reportedly infected and 10 percent, approximately 50 million, died of the virus.

Today, according to Johns Hopkins University date, “The current global mortality rate now stands at around 4.5%.” Also, according to the World Health Organization, “A variety of factors affects the mortality rate: geography, the quality of health care, age of the population, lifestyle and underlying conditions. In China, the mortality rate for CV-19 has been 4%. In Italy, it’s about 10%. In Iran, it’s about 7.6%. In Germany, it’s less than 1% and in the U.S., where the outbreak is just getting underway, it’s about 1.5%.

"The mortality rate generally drops as testing rises and more patients are identified. But epidemiologists caution that the reverse can be true as U.S. hospitals get inundated and run out of necessary equipment, like ventilators, to treat patients who might have otherwise been saved. They also say it takes weeks for the virus to infiltrate a community and several more before people are sick enough to die. So it will be several months before the true mortality rate can be quantified in the U.S. or elsewhere.”

According to the WHO, “Many scientists think, or are at least hopeful, that the mortality rate will fall as more people are tested and mild cases that have previously gone undetected are identified.”

In Israel pundits have said that the Israeli defense forces should take over the management of the virus.

The ministry of defense has the manpower and technical resources at its disposal that do not exist in the private sector. For that reason alone the proposed appointment of former chief-of-staff Gen (res.) Benny Gantz is a wise choice, say the observers. The ministry of defense has been likened to an old-boys network. An outsider has to struggle to get things done. Gantz, once the star of the army, has an inside track. Coupled with another former chief-of-staff, Gabi Ashkenazi, who is slated to become Foreign Minister, consolidating the considerable resources of the defense establishment should be manageable.

Gantz has run into both criticism and praise for his move to join Netanyahu. Gantz said that in this time of crises a national unity government was imperative and he was not going to stand in the way of fighting the war against the virus based on personal considerations. Some analysts laud him for this path. Others say that he was just looking for a way to become Prime Minister, (he would take that position after 18-months in a rotation agreement). Others say that by alienating his Blue and White partners Lapid and Ya'alon, who now become part of the opposition, Netanyahu will be hard put to pass any legislation in the Knesset. (Gantz says that's why he became Speaker, to get bills assigned to a committee and passed quickly.)

Whatever the reasons, a national unity government will soon be established, assuming Gantz and Netanyahu reach terms, which seems likely, and the business of government could carry on. A budget could be prepared and passed. Resources could be tapped to fight the plague, and the country could unify in the war.

Gantz is to become Minister of Defence, after he gives up his temporary role as Speaker of the Knesset, and Ashkenazi Foreign Minister. Gantz’s scaled-down party, the group left after the disintegration of Blue and White, will garner approximately 11 ministerial seats. Avraham Rabinovitch, political commentator for Channel 12, thought this a bloated and inordinately expensive government that would have over 30 cabinet posts. He also didn’t think Gantz would fare any better than others who trusted Netanyahu. Men like Avigdor Leiberman, and Moshe ‘Bougie’ Ayalon who were cast out by Netanyahu and became his fierce enemies.

However, Gantz also gets the Justice Ministry and has sworn that democracy will be protected. His proposed Justice Minister, Chili Trooper, said on Israel TV last night that there would be no French Law passed, referring to the law passed in the French parliament to ensure that indicted PM Jacques Chiraq would not be prosecuted until he finished his term in office.

Should Gantz really be a patriot and have the countries best interests at heart, or was he out for himself.
Time will tell. If he becomes the general leading the war against the virus and succeeds in keeping that plague from overrunning Israel, he will have justified his dismembering Blue and White. If not?
He’ll be tossed out by Netanyahu like others before him. And the country will still be faced with a pandemic managed by amateurs.