Thursday, March 26, 2020

Blue and white party splitting up.
Benny Ganz joined a national unity government with Netanyahu.
He will first run for Speaker of the Knesset instead of Yair Lapid's suggested
candidate. Ganz will then become the Foreign Minister for 18-months and then become Prime Minister in a rotation agreement.
Moshe Yaalon has announced he is leaving Blue and White along with Lapid. Both will join the opposition. Pundits point out that Ganz is worried about the country during the crises and is willing to compromise for the good of the country. Analysts point out that Blue and White really had no chance to take the reins of the government. The coalition was too narrow, mixing Arab parties with
right-wing politicians like Avigdor Leiberman. One analyst said on Israel Radio that Ganz checked the foundations of his building and realized it wouldn't stand in even a mild storm.